Sunday, 5. October 2008

Star Journey

By my shimmering star friends
and the Young moon
I have been guided
through the chilly night.

My hands were dancing
through the clear air,
I breathed in deep
the scent of autumn.

And happy I have been,
full of love,
thankful for this great time.

Wednesday, 6. August 2008


So much time has passed, all runs so fast,
one can't follow...
So much has happened, great things,
many experiences and memories.
I can say - I am happy and content
and I am very thankful for that.


Friday, 29. February 2008


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Imbolc 2009
This year, Imbolc was also a very good time. There...
Ophelias Welt - 13. Mar, 13:52
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